Mounting Bracket Attachment
Assemble with carriage bolts and nuts provided.

Leave 3/16i gap when tightening bracket.

Attach Grass Catcher
Align indicator arrow and bolt. Tip GrassCatcher forward and lower over hook.

Optional Filler Bracket
If profile of mower leaves a gap between mower and GrassCatcher frame, an
optional filler bracket is included.

Contact Us
Call 1-800-536-3166 now
for more information.
Fits Most Models
Replace your grass catcher
with a GrassPacker.
Mounts to lawn mowers with a
flat side outlet including:
• Honda Lawn Mowers
• Husqvarna Lawn Mowers
• John Deere Lawn Mowers
• Murray Lawn Mowers
• Snapper Lawn Mowers
• Toro Lawn Mowers